Τρίτη 3 Αυγούστου 2010

Σύμβουλος η "Λομπίστας" (Όπως το έθεσαν οι Ελληνικές Εφημερίδες);;;

Ακόμα και στο Reuters εμφανίστηκε η πρόσληψη του κ. Πάντοα Σιόπα που διατέλεσε υπουργός Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών της Ιταλίας από την Ελληνική Κυβέρνηση...

Και να μην ξεχάσω να αναφέρω ότι ο κ. Σιόπα (όλως τυχαίως...)ήταν στην σύνοδο της λέσχης Bilderberg σύμφωνα με την Attendee List της 18, Μαίου 2009...

Παρακάτω το βιογραφικό του (Αγγλικά) αλλά και Link για περαιτέρω πληροφορίες...


Born in Belluno, he graduated from Bocconi University, Milan in 1966 and received a Master's degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1970. After a first job in Germany with the retailer C&A Brenninkmeijer, he joined the Bank of Italy in 1968, eventually becoming Vice-Director General from 1984 to 1997. In 1980 he became a member of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty and remains one to this day. From 1993 to 1997, he was also president of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. In 1997-1998 he was head of Consob, Italy's stock market supervision agency.

Padoa-Schioppa was a member of the European Central Bank's six-member executive board from its foundation in 1998 until the end of May 2005. In October 2005 he became president of Paris-based think tank Notre Europe.
On May 17, 2006 he was appointed as Economy and Finance Minister in the government of Romano Prodi, serving in that post until May 2008, when a new government headed by Silvio Berlusconi took office following the April 2008 general election.
From October 2007 to April 2008 he was Chairman of the IMFC (International Monetary and Financial Committee), the top policy steering committee of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
He was married to the economist Fiorella Kostoris; they have three children. They are now divorced and he is the companion of the journalist Barbara Spinelli, daughter of Altiero Spinelli.


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